Botox and Dermal Fillers
Botox is a potent neurotoxin protein derived from Clostridium botulinum bacterium which exerts its effects within the muscle to reduce nerve transmission temporarily, thus reducing unwanted muscle activity. Botox treatments are used to help wrinkles, visible lines or furrows in the upper face and generally lead to desirable results. Results start showing as soon as three days later!
Laser Hair Removal
After the first two sessions of our Laser Hair Removal treatment, you will notice a decrease of 50% or more! Our laser operator sets the parameters according to the density and number of hairs of the client to achieve the best results. The laser diode from our laser hair removal treatment penetrates through the scan at 800nm and it can draw heat energy into the hair from sides and surfaces. The diode targets melanin (colour) and chromophores (the hair) and for the best results, with every session, the fluency (energy) is increased accordingly.
Xlase Resurfacing Peel Facial (1hr 30mins)
We have three types of Xlase Resurfacing Peel Facial treatments. Our specialist can help you with efficient and eliminating resurfacing facials. Rejuvination helps with treating superficial layers of the skin and has an immediate lifting effect and a long-term filler and volume effect. Our second treatment helps with reducing Oily and Acne Skins and has an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effect. The third treatment contains a treatment for facial Pigmentation and minimises and eliminates the appearance of pigmentation on the body and facial areas.
Xlase Resurfacing Facial Rejuvenation
Our Xlase Resurfacing facial specialists are able to treat the deep and superficial layers of the skin being highly effective for the treatment of skin laxicity, facial lines & wrinkles, age spots & uneven skin colour and red veins. The Mandelic Acid Resurfacing Peel promotes call renewal on the epidermis and stimulates the formation of collagen, fibres in the dermis. It disrupts the cohesion between dead cells, detaching them from the skin. At the same time, the Diode Laser is able to penetrate into deep layers of the skin stimulating collagen growth and skin tightening, creating a Double-Effect on the skin. The benefits of these treatments are immediate lifting effect, long-term filler and volume effect, reduction of hyperpigmented spots, increasing level of oxygen in the skin and improving venous and lymphatic flow.
Xlase Resurfacing Facial for Oily & Acne Skin
The Xlase Resurfacing Peel and Diode Laser we use for our Xlase resurfacing Facial for Oily and Acne Skin treatment are highly effective for the treatment of acne, blemishes, blackheads, inflammation, open pores, acne scarring and pigmentation. And our treatments have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects. The wavelength of our Diode Laser is capable of penetrating into the skin tissue to reach the sebaceous glands. The energy will be absorbed by the tissue and cause thermal damage. This will cause a reduction in the size and activity of a sebaceous gland and hence targeting the source of acne-related problems.
Xlase Resurfacing Facial Pigmentation
Our Xlase Resurfacing Facial Pigmentation treatment is ideal for the treatment of pigmentation, uneven skin colour, old scar tissues, sunburn marks and age spots. This treatment can minimise and eliminate the appearance of pigmentation and treats body and facial areas. The Xlase Resurfacing Peel and Diode Laser are able to treat the deep and superficial layers of the skin being highly effective for the treatment of these problem areas. Our diode laser can target the specific area of pigmentation because the laser is absorbed only by cells containing an excessive concentration of pigmentation. This causes efficient pigmented cell destruction while leaving the surrounding tissue undamaged.
Micro-needling (with or without laser)
Micro-needling (Collagen induction therapy) is a repetitive puncture process of the skin with sterilized micro-needles. Our treatments are often used to treat scars, wrinkles, pigmentation, skin rejuvenation and improve skin appearance. The needle penetration in the skin stimulates the regeneration of the dermis. The small cuts in the skin generate growth factors that incite collagen and elastin production in the papillary layer of the dermis, leading to the regeneration of ‘new healthy skin’. For the best result, micro-needling along with the right home care is effective when done 3 to 5 sessions within a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks or a maximum of 5 weeks interval.
Please find below some extra information about some of our treatments.